Radio Slovakia International abandoned its SW services in January 2010, due, it is understood, to budget restraints.
A story, dated Jan 13 2013, is published on a German DX Weblog,
This is into English (Google) of a German language article originally published by RSI itself, commemorating the 20th anniversary of the broadcaster, and mentioning that funding had been approved to reactivate the SW service in "2014", including DRM transmissions.
The translation contains irregular English syntax and parts are hard to follow.
Interestingly, the English language newsletter ("Top News") published by the Worldwide DX Club (Germany) this week has a statement that RSI WILL resume 30 mins SW services in January 2014, but no source attribution is given. Neither is it indicated which languages are to be delivered, nor any specific schedule.
By the way, a new Website of RSI was introduced on August 6 2014 – it's at
Further info would be welcomed!
I got an email back from one of the presenters at Radio Slovakia International. This was his response:
ReplyDeleteThere is talk about restarting shortwave here in Slovakia, and it’s certainly a hot topic at the moment, but I can’t say with certainty if it’s going to happen or not. A recent DX newsletter printed a rumour as fact a few weeks ago, say that our SW transmissions will definitely be operational out of Slovakia by Jan 2014. This would be optimistic at best. In short, I can’t say yes or no, but discussions are ongoing between Slovak Radio and the Ministry of Culture. As always, an eternal lack of funds is the only roadblock we face at present.
Seems like money is holding them up, but I heard from the NASB newsletter the Slovak culture ministry wants to give them the money they need. I hope Radio Slovakia return to shortwave as their reports were often enjoyable to listen to and I stopped tuning in when they left the airwaves.