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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Monitoring Notes - 9 MHz band

The 9 MHz band is holding up well in our pre-sunrise window, súch as at 5 am to 5.30 am.
This is a summary of selected items monitored between 1900 and 1930 on August 7 2013 (UTC day)
9470 INDIA nat network
9505 SUDAN V. of Sudan, to 1915*  local langs
9515 CHINA CRI-Beijing Czech to 1930*
9565 IRAN Russian *1930
9570 IRAN Albanian to 1930*
9600 FRANCE Hello Darfur (IBB) via Issoudin to 1930* Sudanese
9685 EGYPT Russian
9700 BULGARIA Overcomer Ministry via Kostinbrod English
9715 IRAN *1930 English
9755 IRAN *1930 Italian
9775 VATICAN Hello Darfur (IBB) via SMG to 1930*
9850 VATICAN VOA-SMG English to 1930*
9860 IRAN French to 1930*
9870 S. ARABIA Arabic
- IBB on several channels from Santa Maria di Galeria (Vatican)
Overcomer Ministry continuing via Kostinbrod (Bulgaria)

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